Support Focolare Media by donating appreciated securities like stocks, bonds, or mutual funds.
Through our partnership with the Focolare Foundation and the Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota (CCF), your gift can be made securely and tax-efficiently.
Transfer Securities
Your financial advisor can transfer securities to:
- Custodian: Charles Schwab & Co.
- DTC Number: 0164
- Account Name: Catholic Community Foundation of MN
- Account Number: 4863-9694
- For Benefit of (FBO): Focolare Foundation
How does it work?
The Catholic Community Foundation receives your donated stock and sells it. The proceeds are deposited into the Focolare Foundation’s agency (investment) account. The Focolare Foundation will then transfer the amount to Focolare Media.
Before You Give
Notify the Focolare Foundation and Focolare Media with the Ticker Symbol, Number of Shares, and the anticipated Transfer Date before initiating the transfer. In every communication, please add in copy the following email address:
For more details, download the Stock Transfer Instructions.