Desk Copy Policy
College and university instructors may request one complimentary desk copy of any book adopted for course use if 10 or more new copies have been ordered through any source by the college bookstore and the instructor has not previously received a desk or examination copy. Requests for desk copies should be sent by e-mail ( or fax (845) 229-0351, on departmental letterhead or on a standardized university desk copy request form, and should include the following information:
- title and ISBN of book
- instructor's name
- title of course
- semester and projected course enrollment
- whether book is a required or recommended text
- name of bookstore and date text order was placed
- if books were ordered through a 3rd party distributor, then proof of order is required.
Examination Copy Policy
College and university faculty may request examination copies of books for consideration as course texts and will receive a 40% discount off the cover price.
Payment (by check, money order, or credit card) must be made in advance.
Upon proof of a college bookstore order, a credit will be issued.
For any questions, please contact:
360 N Pacific Coast Hwy Suite 2000,
El Segundo, CA 90245
Tel: (845) 229-0335
Fax: (845) 229-0351