Focolare Media is a gospel-centered ministry that seeks to renew the world by enkindling the Spirit of Unity. In a time of bitter divisions, we offer spiritual support toward reconciliation and empower people to be bridge builders.
With your support we can produce content to help people navigate the divisions present in our society, and give them hope and resources to heal the divides.

In unison with the Magisterium of the Church, the members of the Focolare have become apostles of dialogue
Saint Pope John Paul II
Your generosity will help us fulfill the vision of Focolare’s founder Chiara Lubich of contributing to the reality of Jesus’ final prayer, “that they all may be one.” (Jn 17:21) Help us to fulfill the transformation envisioned by Chiara to bring unity and hope to our fractured world! We are committed to providing content that empowers people to grow spiritually, improve relationships, engage in dialogue, and foster collaboration within the Church and throughout society.
📄Case for Support: at a glance
📄Case for Support: an in-depth look
Ways to Give

Donate by Mail
Please make your checks payable to Focolare Media Inc and mail to:
Focolare Media Inc 360 N Pacific Coast Hwy Suite 2000, El Segundo, CA 90245 |
For more information, please call 845-229-0335