About the book
A tool to change the atmosphere in your work environment. Toss it every morning and try to put into practice the phrase that comes up.
BE FIRST TO CARE - If we see someone struggling with a task, take the initiative in offering to work out the solution together. This act can make a difference in the atmosphere; it becomes contagious and can deepen relationships among the whole team. Nothing speaks louder that someone lending a helping hand at a critical moment.
CARE FOR EVERYONE - We encounter many personalities and cultures in our work environment that may be different from our own and challenge our natural response to their needs. Recognize that each one is a brother or sister who longs to be happy, fulfilled and loved.
EASE OTHERS’ PAIN - When someone is in constant pain or has received some bad news, listen intently to their cry, try to find relief and take the suffering on as if it were yours. Everything is more bearable when one is accompanied in the hardship, when one does not feel alone.
BUILD RELATIONSHIPS - Take the time to get to know one another in order to discover the treasure that each brings to the relationship. It can be enriching and make us want to give more of ourselves in order to be a gift for everyone else
FOCUS ON THOSE MOST CHALLENGING - At times a harsh word, a judgement, a questioning of one’s work can cause a fracture in relationships. Overcoming these obstacles through forgiveness, and countering it with a kind act can be like a springboard that starts the process of repairing the relationship that has been broken.
TREAT EVERYONE WITH DIGNITY - Recognize that each person has a unique contribution to make in the human family; that he/she has been endowed with a gift that is meant for the good of all. Encourage one another to develop that gift and to share it.