Hope for Judas


Hope for Judas

God's Boundless Mercy for Us All
Page Count
160 pages
Publication date
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    About the book

    Beginning from a sculpture  carved at the capital of a column in the medieval Basilica of St. Mary Magdalene in Vézelay, France, Fr. Christoph Wrembek will take you on a breathtaking, challenging, yet ultimately deeply touching journey through key stories of sacred scripture, stories about being lost but ultimately always about salvation. This journey leads into the soul of the gospel, which is Jesus himself.

    “Hope for Judas” . . . Judas? The son of destruction?Judas, about whom the gospels tell us very little beyond the dramatic events during the Passion? Jesus’s loving-saving action finds its culmination in him?

    A beautiful meditation not simply on the story of Judas but on all of our stories, and the place of God's love, mercy and compassion, which can overcome any barrier, even sin.

    James Martin, SJ
    Author of Jesus: A Pilgrimage

    About the author

    Christoph Wrembek grew up in Berlin. He entered the Jesuit order in 1961 and was ordained in 1971. After studying film in Hollywood, he returned to Berlin in 1974 to work in campus ministry. From 1983 to today he has continued to provide Pastoral care for Priests and Religious. He organizes pilgrimage retreats to the Holy Land, gives campus lectures and since 1992 has conducted missionary development work in Estonia.