
About the book
With simple, clear language, Chiara Lubich’s meditations transport readers to a heavenly dimension, to a heavenly way of reasoning, a heavenly way of acting.
In “To Live Life,” she writes: ‘The Christian is called . . . to swim in the light, to plunge into a sea of crosses, but not to pine away.” This openness to life, to light, and even to crosses, comes from opening the heart in faith to gospel love. It practices the Word of God in a radical way.
And in “Not Mine but Yours Be Done,” the sun and its rays symbolize God and his will for each individual: “The closer the rays come to the sun, the closer they come to one another. We too, the closer we come to God, by doing the will of God more and more perfectly, the closer we come to one another. Until we are all one.”
These simple, yet deep and challenging passages will plunge you into the reality of authentic Christian life, will draw you closer to God and to your neighbor . . . until we all are one.