Our Age

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Our Age

The Historic New Era of Christian/Jewish Understanding
Page Count
96 pages
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    About the book

    Our Age will help both Jewish and Catholic leaders immeasurably in efforts already undertaken together. It offers every responsible reader an opportunity for new insights into the extraordinary dynamic of reconciliation between and among brothers and sisters, children of the same Father.

    About the author

    Rabbi Bemporad is the director of the nonprofit Center for Interreligious Understanding (CIU), which he founded in 1992. Its aim is to bring people of all religious faiths together to promote open dialogue, mutual respect, and theological understanding of the common foundations shared by the world’s religions. Concurrently, he is also Director of the John Paul II Center and Professor of Interreligious Studies, both at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), in Rome. He also serves as Senior Rabbinic Scholar at the Chavurah Beth Shalom synagogue, Alpine, NJ.

    Rabbi Bemporad is the author of numerous books and articles, including Our Age: The Historic New Era of Christian-Jewish Understanding, published by New City Press. He also edited The Inner Journey: Views from the Jewish Tradition by Morning Light Press, and contributed the chapter on “Norms of War in Judaism” for World Religions and Norms of War, published by the United Nations University Press. Most recently, he contributed a memoir of the philosopher Hans Jonas in Giacobbe E L’Angelo (Jacob and the Angel), published in Rome in 2012.

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