Prayers from the Confessions

About the book
Great are you, O Lord ... because you have made us and drawn us to yourself, and our heart is unquiet until it rests in you. (Confessions I, 1, 1)
Saint Augustine's Confessions is considered one of the literary masterpieces of the Western world, one of the classics of civilization. Imbedded in The Confessions are awesome, moving prayers, which depict Augustine's passion for life, his thirst for God, his compassion on his neighbor, and, above all, his love for humanity in God. These are collected in the present collection, which opens up to the reader the intimate relationship of love of one of Christianity's greatest souls.
Let me seek you, Lord, even while I am calling upon you, and call upon you even as I believe in you; for to us you have indeed been preached. My faith calls upon you, Lord, this faith which is your gift to me, which you have breathed into me through the humanity of your Son and the ministry of your preacher. (Confessions I, 1, 1)
The Confessions is a prayer in itself, from the beginning of Book I to the ending of Book XIII. Augustine wrote this prayer to give praise and thanks to the all-powerful and all-knowing God for the many wonders manifested in his journey and for the providential designs in his life. Augustine remembers his past, reflects on the present, and puts his faith and hope in God’s future plan for the remaining years of his life.
The late Fr. John Rotelle has done a work I have been waiting for a long time. Having prayed my way through The Confessions for half a century, I hail this marvelous anthology of prayer and the beautiful translation.