Transfiguring Time


Transfiguring Time

Understanding Time in the Light of the Orthodox Tradition
    About the book

    Clément's Transfiguring Time is an early work, written when he was 37. It carries all the excitement of his fresh encounter with Orthodoxy and the Fathers of the Christian Church. He draws on his deep study of Hinduism, Buddhism and Indian myths to differentiate the understanding of time and eternity in archaic religions, in Hinduism and in Buddhism, from the Christian and specifically Orthodox understanding of time and eternity. This new translation – the first one in English - wants to bring Clément's early work to a new generation of readers.

    An interview with Ilia Delio who wrote the preface of "Transfiguring Time":

    “I would highly recommend this book to all those interested in Greek patristics, nouvelle théologie, Russian Orthodoxy, and systematic or dogmatic theology written with soul and insight

    The Englewood Review of Books

    Olivier Clément is one of the really original Christian minds of the last generation, poetic, visionary, and profound. His work is still exceptionally fresh, offering an exhilarating sense of the scale and beauty of traditional Christianity for our era, and it needs to be far more widely known. This fine translation of an early work of his shows the quality of his mind and imagination and I hope it will whet the appetite of many readers to discover more

    Dr. Rowan Williams
    Former Archbishop of Canterbury

    This wonderful early essay by Olivier Clément is a revelation, a great discovery. In a word I would call it a “springtime,” a look at God's relationship with us that is fresh, surprising in the best sense, even shocking. Enjoy the feast of riches!

    Michael Plekon
    Professor Emeritus, The City University of New York, Baruch College; Archpriest, Orthodox Church in America

    This is a brilliant meditation on the mystery of time and eternity, produced in the mid-twentieth century by one of the last and most eloquent representatives of the “Paris School.” This unique book offers a profound Orthodox perspective that merits repeated readings

    Archpriest John Breck
    Professor Emeritus,St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute, Paris, FranceProfessor Emeritus, St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute, Paris, France
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    About the author

    Olivier-Maurice Clément (1921-2009) was one of the foremost Orthodox theologians of the 20th century. He actively promoted the reunification of Christians (he was friends with Pope John Paul II), dialogue between Christians and people of other beliefs, and the engagement of Christian thinkers with modern thought and society. As a history professor, he taught at the Louis-le-Grand lyceum in Paris for a long time. As a professor of the St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute (Institut Saint-Serge) he became one of the most highly regarded witnesses to Orthodox Christianity, as well as one of the most prolific. He was a founder of the Orthodox Fellowship in Western Europe, and was the author of thirty books on the life, thought and history of the Orthodox Church, and their meeting with other Christians, the non-Christian religions and modernity. He was responsible for the theological journal, Contacts, and became a Doctor honoris causa at the Institute for theology in Bucharest and at the Catholic University in Louvain.