I changed my attitude

The lady annoying me was Jesus coming beside me…

Photo by Cunaplus | Dreamstime.com

1 min read
Judy Cutting

I like to go to the 12 noon Mass during the week, and when I do, I sometimes meet up with a lady who somehow sits close to me quite frequently. 

I have a small problem with this because she hums hymns out loud. At first, I found it very distracting and would plan to sit in a different area in order not to hear her.

I even thought of putting my purse in front of the pew so she wouldn’t sit there, but then thought, “That’s not very nice of me.”

This was a daily occurrence. Later on, I thought of her as Jesus coming to sit near me, so I changed my attitude.

Yesterday I didn’t plan my seating and noticed at the sign of peace that she was right behind me. No humming at all. It was God waiting for me to love her as she was, and when I gave him that little gift, he took that little pain away—but only after I had accepted it and loved in my heart.

It reminded me of St. Teresa, in church sitting next to another sister who kept clinking her rosary beads. As time went on, Teresa looked forward to that unpleasant situation.

I will remember to do the same.


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