Un diálogo para la vida

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Un diálogo para la vida

A dos voces y al unísono - Hacia el encuentro entre judíos y cristianos.
Page Count
188 pages
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    About the book

    Este libro quiere ser un aporte para motivar a que judíos y cristianos con cualquier grado de compromiso institucional en su comunidad religiosa se aventuren a tender puentes entre dos religiones que comparten las mismas escrituras y el mismo territorio, pero que se conocen y dialogan poco. Se trata de brindar herramientas accesibes y útiles para aquellos que realizan tareas educativas, también en el seno de la familia, el espacio privilegiado para la formación de personas capaces de dialogar. Sin diluir las diferencias, atreviéndose a las preguntas difíciles, cada uno se expresa con su propia voz pero en fraterna sintonía.

    About the author

    Silvina received her ordination from the Latin American Rabbinical Seminary, having completed her studies in the Majón Schejter of Jerusalem. She is a graduate of Hebrew Language and Bible from the Mijlelet Shazar and she has a Bachelor of Science in Communication from the University of Buenos Aires. She was a teacher at the Jewish school network in various subjects and deputy director of the Amos high school. She has served on communities of Buenos Aires as a Jewish educator, liturgical and rabbinical assistant officiating. She has given courses and lectures in various countries: Uruguay, England, France, Italy, and United States.

    Having a BA in Communication, she participated in the publication of materials for programs of the Ministry of Health, Social Action, UNESCO, UNICEF, as well as she developed numerous educational projects for teens: Discrimination and Human Rights, Culture of Care and Social Resilience to throughout the country. She is co-author of the samples Charts Itinerant: "Young people and their rights" and "From dictatorship to democracy, respect for human rights".

    She is currently a Rabbi in Bet El community together with Rabbi Daniel Goldman, since 2006. She is a member of the Forum for religious diversity of INADI, representing the Jewish faith. She has given lectures and courses in interfaith areas in her country and abroad.

    She assumes the rabbinical vocation from the role of Shlijat Tzibur, an envoy of the community, to convey tradition, language and format that everyone needs. She dedicates time and passion to meet and dialogue with other religions, sharing meaningful experiences of everyday life. She lives community as the most genuine creation of our people for the difficult and wonderful task to stay alive, attentive to the needs of every age and generation, making her Jewish particularity a contribution to civic life for her country. She likes singing and writing, which are two other ways to tell her story and watch the horizon.

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