Baptists, Catholics, and the Whole Church

About the book
Within the whole church, Baptists and Catholics might seem to be ecclesiological and liturgical polar opposites. The two traditions are arguably more dissimilar from one another than each is from almost any other Christian tradition. Yet as veteran Baptist ecumenist Steven R. Harmon demonstrates in this book, they share much in common that can enable them to travel together as fellow pilgrims on the journey toward a more visibly united church.
Baptists, Catholics, and the Whole Church: Reflections on the Pilgrimage to Unity challenges Baptists, Catholics, and other Christians to envision their own patterns of faith and practice as included in the convergences it presents and to dedicate themselves to deeper involvement in the quest for the unity Jesus prayed his followers would manifest.
Harmon writes with spiritual depth, pastoral sensitivity, theological acuity and personal examples." From the Foreword