What is Unity?


What is Unity?

A View from Chiara Lubich's Paradise '49
Page Count
159 pages
Publication date
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    About the book

    “Paradise ‘49” is the name given to a period of special illumination Chiara Lubich experienced during the summer of 1949 and in the immediate years after that. This experience has become the vibrant heritage of the Focolare Movement that she founded, and it continues to inspire many people today.

    What Is Unity? addresses one of the central themes of her charism, indeed, the very heart of it: Unity. Since unity is what characterizes the Focolare Movement, it is fitting that we ask ourselves: How should we live out the charism of unity in today’s world? How do we proceed courageously while avoiding any form of authoritarianism or individualism? How can we facilitate the full development of our personal gifts in the pursuit of common objectives?

    This book is a reflection on passages from Paradise ’49 directly relating to the key theme of unity. It seeks to contribute to fulfilling Jesus’ prayer: “May all be one” (Jn 17: 21).

    About the author

    Judith Povilus was born in Chicago and has received a doctorate in theology from the Pontifical Lateran University. The author of numerous articles on theology, she currently lives near Rome, Italy, where she is part of the Abba School, an inter-disciplinary study group of the Focolare.