How can we explain to our children and others why we should attend Mass?
“Can we experience the Mass in a more personal way, which will influence how our family shares it? What do we ‘get’ out of Mass?”
Journeying Together: A Demanding but Beautiful Art
Like the twelve, we too “learn” to live Jesus in the exchange of our gifts, of our vocations, of our differences.
Decolonization and Religion: Indigenous spiritualities contain seeds of the Word
I acknowledge with gratitude and respect that I reside on the traditional, ancestral and unceded lands of the Kwikwetlem First Nation, a Coast Salish People.
Be a personal example
“My 12-year-old doesn’t want to go to Mass. Should I force him to go?”
A dialogue based on our lives
Thoughts from Focolare’s founder on productive ecumenical dialogue
Resuscitating the Church to Beat Passionately for Christ
Are we communities of Christ, transformed by Christ, or graying institutions that no longer affect our communities and society?
The thin veil between life and death
An interview with Noreen McInnes, author of Keep at it, Riley!, about accompanying her father in his final months
The gravity and grace of who we are
Simone Weil on the necessary elements to become a person