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“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thes. 5:16, the Focolare Word of Life for December 2023)
“Said Jesus the son of Mary: ‘O Allah our Lord! Send us from heaven a table set (with viands), that there may be for us—for the first and the last of us—a solemn festival and a sign from thee; and provide for our sustenance, for thou art the best Sustainer (of our needs).” Qur’an5:114
Christ Jesus (prayers and peace be upon him), in Al-Islam and Christianity represents a blessed human quality worthy of our respect and our emulation. Jesus the Christ was sent to the human family as a model of true obedience to G-d; a pure example—of virgin birth—of how to always show gratitude, even in the darkest moments of our lives.
The Christian comparative of the Qur’an verse 5:114, may be the Bible’s Last Supper mentioned in Matthew 26:26-28; a solemn setting—food for thought as well as food for physical nourishment—especially prepared for those who are steadfast in prayer and appreciative of the sustaining blessings they received from their Lord.
Despite the circumstances, whether of pleasant joys or the challenging difficulties that may come our way—the blessings we receive from above—will keep us balanced and always see us through. The model of Christ Jesus for believers is very natural. Christ said, “I’m in you and you in me…” We are taught in Al-Islam that Jesus never despaired or doubted that the mercy of Allah was always nearby. Jesus’ powerful faith, or the potential of his powerful faith, is within every human being in all circumstances.
Prophet Muhammed (prayers and peace be upon him), was instructed by Allah to tell humanity, “I am a flesh and blood mortal, just like you.” (See Qur’an 18:110) The model prophets and messengers that Allah (G-d) sent to the human family all taught a faith-based patience and perseverance. These great men and women that Allah raised to teach humanity were human beings just like us; therefore, excellent models; attainable models of human excellence for all circumstances.
The “table” is where we go, in a family setting, for our daily provisions. Table suggests a place of unity, community, not a place for isolation
We are to never despair of the receiving the help of Allah—never! Even in the darkest hours, the help of Allah is always near, so, “rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances.” The table from heaven mentioned in the Qur’an is open to all righteous people, “for the first and the last of us—a solemn festival and a sign from thee.”
The “table” is where we go, in a family setting, for our daily provisions. Table suggests a place of unity, community, not a place for isolation. Prophet Muhammed said the blessings of a meal is in eating together as an assembly, as the family of man.
Our prayer is as people of faith, from numerous traditions, that we join together in continuous prayers as modeled by Christ Jesus—the Christ Jesus (Muslim Nature) that is in all people. That would be a solemn festival of feeding our minds and souls with the Word of G-d.
Allah is the best sustainer of all of our needs. The “table” Allah has sent for the benefit of the human family from heaven is with us. It has been set with all of the essential provisions, and more, that we need to be forever rejoicing and praying as demonstrated by Christ Jesus and Mohammed.
Christ Jesus, the son of the Virgin Mary, called upon his Lord asking that “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” This is a very powerful sign (message) for us and a great reminder that Allah is the best Sustainer of our needs.
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