Living the art of loving


Living the art of loving

A Picture Book
Page Count
128 pages
Publication date
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    About the book

    This surprisingly quick read contains over 50 illustrations with a few carefully chosen words. It describes how to listen well, prepare for gatherings, manage conflict, and move through suffering towards connection. Lara Match uses her heartfelt design language of endearing figures, emotive swirls, and dotted outlines to show the patterns of poignant moments we encounter with others. A pictorial translation of Chiara Lubich’s The Art of Loving, this book offers techniques to create, elevate, and maintain our relationships at home, at work and with our best selves.

    About the author

    Lara Match is a gardener, optometrist, homeschooling mom, and active member of her beloved Jewish community. She grew up in a Catholic and Focolare family, as one of five siblings, and from a young age was captivated by ideas like you have one life to live, love is what matters, and every moment counts. She is the author and illustrator of Living the Art of Loving, a new plain-language translation of the Focolare approach to unity in relationships intended for the American interfaith audience.